Call for Papers 
The 9th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2012) - Building Smart Worlds in Real and Cyber Spaces - Fukuoka, Japan, September 04-07, 2012
Co-located with ATC 2012 and ICA3PP-12
Sponsored by:
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) IEEE Computer Society IEEE Technical Commitee on Scalable Computing
Fukuoka Convention and Visitor Bureau(Pending)
In-cooperation with: The Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)
The IPSJ Special Interest Group on Distributed Processing Systems (IPSJ SIG-DPS)
The IPSJ Special Interest Group on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Communication (IPSJ SIG-MBL)
The IEICE Special Interest Group on Dependable Computing (IEICE SIG-DC) |
Ubiquitous sensors, devices, networks and information are paving the way towards a smart world in which computational intelligence is distributed throughout the physical environment to provide reliable and relevant services to people. This ubiquitous intelligence will change the computing landscape because it will enable new breeds of applications and systems to be developed and the realm of computing possibilities will be significantly extended. By enhancing everyday objects with intelligence, many tasks and processes could be simplified, the physical spaces where people interact like the workplaces and homes, could become more efficient, safer and more enjoyable. Ubiquitous computing, or pervasive computing, uses these many "smart things or u-things" to create smart environments, services and applications.
A smart thing can be endowed with different levels of intelligence, and may be context-aware, active, interactive, reactive, proactive, assistive, adaptive, automated, sentient, perceptual, cognitive, autonomic and/or thinking. Research on ubiquitous intelligence is an emerging research field covering many disciplines. A series of grand challenges exist to move from the current level of computing services to the smart world of adaptive and intelligent services. Started in 2005, the series of UIC conferences has been held in Taipei, Nagasaki, Three Gorges (China), Hong Kong, Oslo, Brisbane, Xi'an, and Banff. UIC 2012 will include a highly selective program of technical papers, accompanied by workshops, panel discussions and keynote speeches. Established as a premier venue in the area of ubiquitous intelligence and computing, UIC 2012 will offer a forum for researchers to exchange ideas and experiences in developing intelligent/smart objects, environments and systems.
1. Ubiquitous Intelligent/Smart Systems
* Sensor, Ad Hoc, Mesh & P2P Networks * Social Networking and Computing * Knowledge Representation and Ontology * Wearable, Personal and Body Area Systems * Middleware and Intelligent Platforms * Intelligent Services and Architectures * Agents, Swarm and Context-aware Systems * Nature-inspired Intelligent Systems
2. Ubiquitous Intelligent/Smart Environments
* Smart Room, Home, Office, Laboratory * Smart Shop, Hospital, Campus, City, etc.
* Smart Vehicle, Road, Traffic & Transportation * Healthcare and Elder/Child Care Services * Pervasive/Ubiquitous Media and Services * Pervasive Learning, Games, Entertainment * Other Intelligent/Smart Applications
3. Ubiquitous Intelligent/Smart Objects
* Electronic Labels, Cards, E-Tags and RFID
* Embedded Chips, Sensors & Actuators
* MEMS, NEMS, Micro & Biometric Devices * Smart Appliances and Wearable Devices * Material, Textile, Cloth, Furniture, etc. * Embedded Software and Agents * Interaction to Smart Objects/Devices * Smart Object OS and Programming
4. Personal/Social/Physical Aspects
* Real/Cyber World Modeling and Semantics * User/Object Identity and Activity Recognition * Adaptive User Interfaces and Tools * Security, Privacy, Safety and Legal Issues * Emotional, Ethical and Psychological Factors
Workshop Proposal
Due/Notification: Ongoing as recieved
Submission Deadline:
May 15, 2012 (HARD DEADLINE)
Authors Notification:
June 15, 2012
Final Manuscript
Deadline: June 28, 2012
The UIC 2012 Organizing
Committee invites proposals for workshops and demos/exhibits affiliated with
the conference and addressing research areas related to the conference. Accepted
workshop/demo papers will be included in the proceedings published by IEEE CPS
Press. Click the following links for submission details/deadlines.
For workshop
demo/exhibit proposals,
Main conference papers need to be prepared
according to the IEEE CPS format, 7 to 8 pages, and submitted in PDF format via
the UIC 2012 submission site:
conference papers will be published by IEEE CPS (IEEE-DL and EI indexed). At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and
present their work at the conference; otherwise the paper will not be included
in the proceedings.
Best Paper Awards will be presented to high quality papers. Selected papers,
after further extensions and revisions, will be published in special issues
of prestigious journals (IJCS, IF=0.226; JIT, IF=0.448, JSA, IF=0.667).